Dietitians and Nutritionists events for kids in Canterbury Region

We begin with a nutritional assessment of your 7 day food diary then meet for our first appointment over Skype to discuss the results. We also consider any blood results and health issues you have at the time before going on to design a weight loss program for you taking into account your age, gender, type of occupation and activity level. We understand that having the tools is one thing, knowing how to use them when the environment changes and you are on a "slippery slope" of distractions is another All our programs are supported by free monthly newsletters and email access to ongoing help. Our website is also there to support you with monthly articles on important topics and hot links to other websites carrying information we deem to be credible. Lea has just completed an E book entitled Healthy kids, happier lives For more details visit our website or send us an email now Send us an email to join up, arrange a nutritional assessment and make your first appointment for a Skype appointment with Lea.