Supplements events for kids in Lower Hutt

It's true you can't change your genes but you can affect their expression and influence with the right nutritional, exercise and lifestyle choices. Are you worried about ending up with the same health issues as your parents and grandparents?? Here is your opportunity to take a lot of the guesswork out and learn what is going on in your body. And the good news is that there is a lot you can do about it by your nutrition and lifestyle choices. Maree is a qualified Fitgenes Practitioner and does 2 types of Gene Testing 1) Health and Well Being Profile This is a comprehensive Gene test where the 58 genes most likely to affect our health are analysed for any variations or mutations. This is done in the clinic by taking a buccal swab (cheek) and sending to Australia for testing. Cost- Health and Well Being package $750 This includes: Initial 30-minute consult to take DNA swab, discuss testing and send sample to the lab Cost DNA kit and lab processing Follow up one hour consult to discuss results of test and what can be done to enhance health Payment to be made in full at first consult by eftpos, internet banking, cheque or cash 2) Carb choice/AMY 1 This Gene test can assist and will reveal your ability to process starch. It can be the answer to a wide range of digestive health issues. AMY1 is a gene that produces the enzyme ‘amylase’. Knowing your AMY1 gene profile, you can best manage health issues, including: Weight management Diabetes Gluten intolerances Dental decay Cost- Carb Choice/AMY 1 Gene test Package $550