Events for kids in Auckland

$10 discount on one hour sessions of massages reflexology reiki if appointment booked online in the month of December 2019 and by end of January 2020

If you’re considering going under the knife or injections, you deserve to be informed. New Zealand’s top specialists in Appearance Medicine solutions will work with you to understand your individual cosmetic needs, and then will identify solutions to achieve them. We invite you to experience the rewards of a welcoming environment where your needs and desires are our priority. Come and visit our clinic to get expert advice for all your worries about cosmetic injections.

December and January holiday programmes. We provide fun filled action packed holiday programmes that are Oscar and Winz accredited. We do gym sports including tumbling parkour and gymnastics. Lots of graft and once a week we go on an excursion plus cook or make yummy food to eat every Wednesday The December holiday programme is form 16th - 20th The January holiday programme starts on the 6th - 31st. Long hours from 7am - 6pm or school hours 8.30am - 3.30pm

Do you wonder what makes you the way you are? Why you might have a fear, phobia or just plain curious! A session with myself, i am well qualified. trained under 3 USA teachers, and a new Zealander, ( Mrv Holster) and the Michael newton Institute which i am registered. I have been also a naturopath and many many modialites in my search for hte most powerful of all healing modialities and found our minds are amazing. In my analytical mind I have traveled over 18 yewars to many countries to see if what I myself have experienced is in fcat...FACTUAL...and my guides have agreed. I therefore also take tours over seas, Egypt, Peru,. Mexico, to name a few, so now my book "Remember Who You Are' also explains many amazing experiences I personally have had as I myself now "Remeber Who I Am'.It is empowering. So a session is around 5 hours, and once the second edition is completed i will be traveling New Zealand and happy to travel anywhere and work as a team.If you wish to know how you can get a free session and % of my earnings, get in touch with me on for more information. Also information on my other services I offer.I am also a guest speaker ( trained and certified) and inytend to travel to do not only presentations but also to teach what I have learnt that has empowered me to be where I am today. Looking forward in hearing from you. May you always be smiling in joy peace and harmony. gail Nicholls.. ND. DipClinHyp. LBL. ( TNI reg...USA).