Events for kids in Auckland

Do you wonder what makes you the way you are? Why you might have a fear, phobia or just plain curious! A session with myself, i am well qualified. trained under 3 USA teachers, and a new Zealander, ( Mrv Holster) and the Michael newton Institute which i am registered. I have been also a naturopath and many many modialites in my search for hte most powerful of all healing modialities and found our minds are amazing. In my analytical mind I have traveled over 18 yewars to many countries to see if what I myself have experienced is in fcat...FACTUAL...and my guides have agreed. I therefore also take tours over seas, Egypt, Peru,. Mexico, to name a few, so now my book "Remember Who You Are' also explains many amazing experiences I personally have had as I myself now "Remeber Who I Am'.It is empowering. So a session is around 5 hours, and once the second edition is completed i will be traveling New Zealand and happy to travel anywhere and work as a team.If you wish to know how you can get a free session and % of my earnings, get in touch with me on for more information. Also information on my other services I offer.I am also a guest speaker ( trained and certified) and inytend to travel to do not only presentations but also to teach what I have learnt that has empowered me to be where I am today. Looking forward in hearing from you. May you always be smiling in joy peace and harmony. gail Nicholls.. ND. DipClinHyp. LBL. ( TNI reg...USA).